🔴 God Says: Watch My CHILD

My dear child, I want you to understand this divine love I offer you every day.

There are no limits to it.

It's always there for you day and night, in cold or heat, in joy or sorrow.

Whether you're comfortable at home or struggling for your life far away, it doesn't matter.

No matter how far away you are, know that this divine love is waiting for you.

I shout it out to the whole world so everyone knows how much I love you.

I will never be ashamed of you, nor will I ever reject you.

Finding STRENGTH in Confession

One day, when you enter your heavenly home and see me face to face, you'll understand the trials you faced. But for now, I want you to experience a foretaste of heaven on earth. This feeling of eternal, unbreakable love, of divine tenderness, shines brighter than a thousand suns and envelops you in a radiant white light. I desire to bless you, to love you, to protect you. Trust in this. Let me take care of you. Your life is in my hands. Allow me to arrange the circumstances and people around you.

It's never been my intention for you to walk through life alone, constantly burdened by worries or scared of what might come. Fear nothing and cling to no material thing. As long as you live, you possess more than just hope. As long as you have faith, doors are open. Miracles can happen. Do me a favor: go to every family member and tell them I love them deeply. Gently, peacefully, place your hand on their shoulder, look into their eyes, and say, "God says he loves you, and so do I." Let your tears flow.

This is BIG

Don't be embarrassed if they see you cry. Today, start a miracle of restoration and healing in your home. Embrace this divine and supernatural blessing I send you. It is growing, coming to fruition. Accept it gratefully. Come back tomorrow; I want to talk more with you. You'll hear my voice again, feel my peace, and know I am always here for you. With love, I am steadfast and unmovable. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath of this divine air I send to refresh you. If you must go quickly, take this profound peace with you and leave your worries with me.

Sometimes you might feel unworthy, but my love for you remains steadfast. You try to come closer, yet you hesitate to let go of the things that trouble your peace. Doubts hold you back, and you continue to carry that heavy burden of bitterness. Listen to my soothing voice that heals you. Let me imprint my word deep within your soul. Hear me clearly: I love you. You are free. I embrace you gently. I hold you in my hands today as you face challenges.


Remember my presence. I will be there, whispering healing words. During you, don't forget me, stray away, or let your emotions mislead you. I will ignite a flame in your heart, and even in the darkest times, my light will shine the brightest, like the sun that lights up your day. Evil cannot prevail against my eternal light. Today's spiritual foes that try to sadden you will disappear. Give me a chance to show how deep my love is. Listen for my voice throughout the day.

It's like divine oil pouring over you, preparing you for blessings. I'm clearing your mind of false beliefs. If you have stumbled, my forgiveness will raise you. It's not my desire for you to live in defeat, overwhelmed by fear, guilt, or regrets. I'm not here to condemn or judge you. I am here to love you. If punishment were my intention, you wouldn't be here now. So accept the love I've long offered. Don't turn away. You face a choice between two paths: one leading to a splendid eternity with me and the other away from me.

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👑God Says: Don't Lose FAITH

Please Don't PANIC

Follow, knowing me might not simplify your life, but I will always support you when needed. My Holy Spirit will comfort you in sorrow. My word will guide you. My presence is accessible always. You can confidently bring your sincere prayers to me. If you entrust your family to me, I will cherish them, shield them with joy, and enrich them. I will protect them from harm, from deceivers, and from loss. I will encircle your home with angels ready to defend against any threat.

I am unchanging, and as surely as the earth rotates and the stars shine at night, my embrace will support you. Whenever you doubt, dismiss any uncertainty. No force in the universe can take away the peace and immense happiness I offer you. I love you. Your concerns are already resolved. It's time to hand over all your worries, anxieties, and sadness to me. My spirit will envelop and soothe you. In your heart, powerful desires to live and conquer are rekindling.

You Are BLESSED Dear

I will open new doors for you, but you must also see your worth and give yourself another chance. You have my grace. Accept my forgiveness now. Forgive yourself for past mistakes, knowing your repentance is genuine, sincere, and true. I'm not focusing on your mistakes. I won't remind you of your failures or bring up past errors that haunt you. I am wiping away all that unnecessary pain. You are free and healed right now. In my divine presence, you will always receive the answers you need and the strength to overcome any challenge or adversary.

No problem or enemy will be strong enough to take away the joy I have prepared for you. Believe this, even if you can't see or feel it yet. When these blessings arrive, it will be a glorious day, and you will experience joy like never before. From this point forward, I will anoint you with holy oil, and my divine power will increasingly fill you each day. Your strength will grow, your mind will be renewed, and you will understand my promises and your purpose clearly.

It's a TRAP Wait on Me

Your unwavering faith is an example to others.

Even in the face of ridicule, you know in your heart that I am real, that I am watching over you, and that I am attentive to your needs.

With this unshakable faith, you will rise up and live each day with the knowledge that you are a child of the creator of the universe.

Walk with confidence, radiating happiness and joy.

Your strong character and grateful heart move me deeply.

Your pure spirit is a reflection of my love.

Believe and accept these words I offer you, for my divine promise will be fulfilled in your life.

This is a journey of redemption, transformation, and abundance.

Keep your eyes fixed on the path ahead, and you will not falter. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
 (Mark 16:15)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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