đź”´ God Says: Your WEEK of WONDERS

My dear child, I want you to hear me clearly.

Let each word I speak bring comfort and peace to your troubled heart.

Know that despite your mistakes and failures, I have not treated you as you deserve.

Instead, I have poured out my abundant mercy upon you.

Your wrongs and shortcomings I have cast into the depths of the sea, never to be remembered again.

Today, I urge you to fully embrace my forgiveness and leave your past behind.

Don't concern yourself with the opinions of others.

They did not breathe life into you, provide for your needs, or sustain you.

Miracles in Jesus' LOVE

Instead of conditions triggered by this age, as you yield more fully to my loving wisdom and set of popular philosophies, unshakable stability and warmth will envelop your heart.

For in my presence, all anxiety and fear vanish instantly.

One encounter with my glory revolutionizes everything.

My dear ones, in these simple words you'll find wisdom and a way to better understand life in this vast universe with its countless stars and wonders.

I am there, loving and guiding all things big and small.

Remember Solomon, a man who valued wisdom over wealth.

His choice to put faith and obedience first brought him unexpected blessings.

This same path is open to you.

It's not about grand gestures but about sincere steps in faith.

In your quiet moments, when you turn your thoughts to prayer, I am there to offer guidance, gently and clearly.

It's like the first light of dawn that slowly brightens the sky.

I encourage you to seize these moments with a heart full of faith.

This is how you align with the good I have planned for you.

Through Jesus, I hope to bring you strength and clarity.

I want to help you see the paths I set before you and give you the courage to follow them.

You're My Little HERO

Think of my spirit as a friend who walks with you, helping you to feel my presence and understand my will.

I am here to empower you, to help you do great things, and to find your place in this world.

My guidance is like a light for your path, shining through any doubt or indecision, showing you the way of truth and righteousness.

My children, remember this simple truth: when you focus wholeheartedly on one good purpose, your life will be filled with a kind of inner light.

Keep your goals clear and stay true to the path I've shown you.

I'm always with you, helping and guiding you in every part of your life—whether it's your health, your relationships, your finances, or your spiritual journey.

When people meet you, they'll feel something of my presence in you.

Your life can be a source of hope and a reflection of the good things I've given you.

As you grow wiser and stronger, you'll find favor in both divine and human eyes.

I promise you plenty of grace to do all the things I've asked of you.

My grace is all you need.

Even when you feel weak, that's when my strength can work best in you.

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Be happy and know that I always want what's best for you.

Share these words with others; by doing so, you help spread my message and my blessings.

Some of my children really need to hear this.

It might be the key they've been looking for to unlock their own potential.

Consider the act of sowing seeds not as a transactional gesture but as an expression of faith and obedience.

I speak to your hearts, guiding your offerings not in a measure of quantity but in alignment with my divine will.

Remember, it is not the magnitude of the seed that moves my hand but the sincerity and obedience with which it is given.

With simple and genuine faith, I can perform miracles in your life.

This is something I urge you to listen to, understand, embrace, and accept with love.

I know you're in a tough spot, but take it easy because I'm already working in your favor.

You might feel confused, the noise in your mind might drown out the gentle voice of my Holy Spirit.

Don't block your ears, don't let the frustration from your mistakes overwhelm you.

Don't be harsh on yourself, forgive yourself.

I know you once felt strong but now you feel your strength fading.


I am not indifferent to your life.

I am attentive to your cries.

I listen carefully to you.

I know how you feel right now.

Be patient.

Be wise.

Do not make hasty decisions.

Think before you act.

You will see that everything changes when you change your perspective.

I will not leave you alone, my beloved.

You will not be alone, my dear, not for a single instant. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”.
 (Jeremiah 29:11)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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