🔴 God Says: You Will OVERCOME

Please, my dearly loved child, let your heart be calm.

I am about to reveal a marvel so enormous that it will leave you in amazement.

At this very instant, the juncture, the turning point, fear is dispelled and confidence takes flight.

Let caution guide your actions and choices, and let dedication be your constant companion.

Right now, I am composing a symphony of benefits for you and those you hold dear—a waterfall of heavenly favor, like the most copious rain.

Your Faith is the KEY

Man-made parameters of plausibility fail to limit my eternal being.

Not confined by dimensionality, my reach exceeds knowledge to perform that which lies outside mortal potential.

Take heart, child of my kingdom, no threshold constrains the true king.

I ordain the end from the beginning, engineering design aforetime to align with a glorious climax in due season.

Trust in me, even when you can't predict how things will unfold, and together we'll reach a moment of great revelation.

Though veiled from awareness, constantly I navigate circumstances advantageously that my word prevails unthwarted unto completion.

Trust in my goodness, my beloved, when cherished dreams seem to shrivel upon the vine just ripening to sweetest taste.

Don't you realize that just as a gardener fights off harmful pests and thieves without you seeing, I am in control, secretly nurturing and protecting the fruits of life with love.

Nothing can surprise me or change my plan for a rich harvest.

My angels guard this flourishing garden, keeping it safe.

Trust in my care, for nothing can harm what I am watching over.

Thus, I bid you today incline your ear to the heavenly frequency resounding past the clamor of outer chaos.

You PASSED the test

Listen for my whisper through tumultuous winds buffeting concentration.

Shut out riotous demands perpetually vying for precedence over my gentle tones.

Deal sternly with the distractions, firmly refusing diversion from a fixed gaze.

Ascend summits in spirit with me till cacophony fades to a distant hum below.

Attune yourself to nuanced direction flowing in the world above, innocent of frenzy and strain.

Don't let the noise and chaos of life guide your decisions.

Instead, find time to be quiet and connect with me away from the turmoil.

As the Prince of Peace, I want you to stay calmly in my presence, gaining confidence for your next steps.

In this quiet place, let your actions be guided not by what's happening around you, but by what's important in my kingdom and our close relationship.

My dear child, hold tightly to the plans we make together in our quiet talks, for they are full of lasting truth that goes back to the very beginning.

Listen to my advice, which comes from a higher place than earthly opinions.

It's untouched by the usual decay and confusion of the world and remains steady even when everything else is shaking.

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👑God Says: Don't reject my WORD


This guidance is like a rock, keeping you stable even when the world is in moral turmoil.

The wisdom I offer is safe from being corrupted or stolen; it's not influenced by changing ideas that come and go.

Stay focused on my unchanging truths, which stand tall above temporary popular beliefs.

My constant principles will guide you correctly.

Don't be swayed by the world's flexible standards that change under pressure.

Instead, embrace the unchanging reality from heaven, which will give you the strength to stand firm with integrity.

My dear one, the time of challenge is here.

You might feel overwhelmed as things get tough and your strong beliefs in me are tested.

But remember, as things seem darker, the guidance from my throne becomes clearer, helping you see the way.

You have the map and compass; open up the plan I've given you with confidence, paying attention to every important detail.

Be encouraged by my unchanging promises that have stood the test of time and let my words nourish your soul every day.

I've filled many places with my wisdom, and you can find it by seeking me in prayer.

My word's POWER

You are deeply loved by me, and before you were even born, I already had something great in store for your life.

Never will I abandon a defenseless child.

I've been taking care of your life in a very special way.

I am looking after every detail, every second. I am always present.

Do not let sadness take up more space.

Fill your heart with joy and keep walking with the eyes of faith because victory is certain, and what I have prepared for you is greater than you can imagine.

I love you. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Listen to my testimony: I cried to God in my distress and he answered me."
 (Psalm 34:4)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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