🔴 God Says: You are worthy

My Beloved Child,

I want to address the pain and disappointment you may be feeling when your sacrifices and efforts seem to go unnoticed or unappreciated.

In these moments, it is important to remember that God sees and values every sacrifice you make, and He wants to speak words of comfort and encouragement to your heart.

First and foremost, God Jesus wants you to know that He sees every sacrifice you have made, whether it is in your relationships, your work, or your personal life.

He sees the efforts you have made to prioritize others, to serve, and to make a difference.

Your sacrifices have not gone unnoticed by Him.

In His message, God Jesus emphasizes the importance of sacrificing with the right motive and heart.

While it is natural to desire recognition and appreciation from others, true sacrificial love is motivated by selflessness and a desire to honor God.

Your sacrifices are not in vain when they are offered with a heart that seeks to reflect God's love and to serve others in His name.

God Jesus wants you to understand that although your sacrifices may go disregarded or unacknowledged by others, they are not in vain.

Every act of sacrifice, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, has eternal significance in the eyes of God.

Your sacrifices are a fragrant offering to Him, and He honors and values them.

God Jesus wants to remind you that your worth and identity are not determined by the recognition or appreciation of others; your value is rooted in your relationship with Him.

You are a beloved child of God, cherished and deeply loved.

Your sacrifices are a response to His love and grace, and that alone is enough to bring meaning and fulfillment to your life.

In times when you feel disheartened or overlooked, turn to God for comfort and strength.

Seek His affirmation and guidance, pour out your heart to Him in prayer, and trust that He hears you and understands your struggles.

He will provide the encouragement and reassurance you need to press on in your sacrificial acts of love.

God Jesus wants to remind you that He Himself understands the weight of sacrifice; He sacrificed His own life on the cross out of His immense love for you.

He knows the pain, the selflessness, and the cost of true sacrifice.

Take comfort in knowing that He walks with you, understands your feelings, and offers His strength and grace to sustain you.

May you find solace and encouragement in the knowledge that God sees and values your sacrifices.

May His love and affirmation be your source of strength and motivation as you continue to sacrificially love and serve others.

Remember, your sacrifices are not in vain when they are offered with a heart that seeks to honor God and reflect His love.

Your loving Heavenly Father, Jesus.

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

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