🔴 God Says: You're My CHERISH

My beloved child, do not lose heart, for I am about to deliver something extraordinary into your life.

In these moments when your soul is weeping and your heart is aching, let my embrace of love, comfort, and hope surround you.

Never think for a moment that you are alone or forgotten.

I have always been right beside you, even when the darkness seemed unending.

Today, cherished one, immerse yourself in my overwhelming love and grace.

Put Your Life in My HANDS

They do not know, nor can they imagine until they see it, that your father is the creator of the universe, and I am here ready to defend you from anyone who thinks of harming you and wants to trample your faith. You will overcome, even if you do not feel strong, even if you lack the resources or means to battle those who think themselves powerful. I am your protector, your shield, your advocate. So rise with determination now, because holding my hand, you're much stronger than you think. I'm giving you the power and skill to defend the innocent. I'm pouring out this holy oil upon your life, filling you with courage.

You have the faith to defeat diseases. With my word on your lips, the enemy armies will flee from you. Rise, my child. Cling to this blessed love. Stand up. Receive my gifts and your blessings. I will place the crown of victory on your head myself. Here I am to help you. I come to give you my hand. Take it, and you will be filled with peace. The end of your sadness has come. The days of your despair are over. I want to show you my love and my tenderness. Open your life to my presence and my love. I want you to feel and understand that no one will ever love you as much as I do.

Be Open to Receive BLESSING

I know everything that goes on in your heart and mind. Sometimes the pain is so deep that you've thought about giving up and surrendering. It's been a long time since you last felt the desire to get up and start a new day full of energy and joy. Close your eyes, put your hands on your chest, and begin to feel how I fill you with love, sincerity, and peace. I am attentive to your prayers in your moments of affliction. Very soon you will see with your own eyes how you will be delivered, strengthened, and lifted by my love and power. Love me, seek me, kneel, and cling to believing.

You have many problems, but I make you stronger. Many situations come, but your faith in me makes you brave. Do not fear your afflictions. Face your struggles and battles. Keep your eyes on my promises and words, on all the things I have spoken to lift your heart. The wind of adversity blows strongly upon you, but you have come to me, crying out for my help. Upon hearing my powerful voice, the winds and storms will cease. I will strengthen your spirit. Stand upon the rock so that you can withstand the conflicts of this life. Raise the sails of your boat.

Hear my WHISPER in your heart

Do not be afraid to set sail, and even if the waves of the roaring sea strike your hopes with hurtful insults, keep your eyes on me, on my love, on my power, because I am your captain, and you will not sink. You may feel at times that the burdens you carry are heavy, but I fulfill my promise and help you carry them. Be patient. Do not faint. Facing your problems today, I'm filling you with immense strength so that tomorrow you can rise and not fear. But those who open their minds to negativity, who refuse to believe in my truth, who dismiss my word, who mock this love that seeks, heals, and saves them.

Those who are not brave enough to believe in a real God will not receive the blessings I have prepared for those who do believe in me and want to find me. Therefore, you must believe me that any stress or anxiety you face today cannot compare to the joy you will have on that awaited day when you receive your blessing. I have never abandoned you in your moments of weakness. I never forsook you. I took away the anguish from your spirit and filled you with joy. If you seek me diligently every day, if you close the doors of your room and come before my presence, if you give me your heart in sublime praise.

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TALK to Me

In supreme worship, if you cry out to me with all your soul, with all your fervor, believe, believe me, I will listen to you, and I will lift you to a better level. You will feel stronger. You will see with joy that it was worth it to give me a place in your heart, to decide to make me your God, your king, and your Lord. I know everything that happens to you. I feel with you what you feel. When you trust me with your life and tell me the things that happen to you, when you place your future and your plans in my hands, there is a celebration here in heaven, and I send thousands of angels to help you.

I will solve your problems, not with your strength or knowledge, but with my spirit and power. Give me your sorrows, doubts, and fears. Walk boldly because I hold your hand. Cast away fears, emotions, and vain feelings. Do not waste your life on grudges or anger. Do not be enslaved by hatred, envy, or lack of forgiveness. I'm renewing your heart. This entire time of crisis is coming to an end soon. A new time of sublime and holy blessing will begin for you. I am giving you the purest love that can exist, and this is something that ends your sorrows and makes you very happy.


At this very moment, as you listen to me, you can already feel it. Let's go together towards the total transformation of your life. You will be a blessing to your family. You will be an example for the people around you. Rise and go to the fight because the victory is already yours. Today I come and fill you with courage. I remove your fears and strengthen your heart. I will not allow you to go through a process without a purpose. There is a reward after this struggle you are going through. I want to change the vision you have of yourself. You are a person of great value to me.

No matter your past, the victories and defeats you have walked through, my love for you grows ever stronger. Everything you have lived has served to prepare you. The purpose I have for your family and for you will be fulfilled. Do not focus your attention or energy on the failures you see in those you love. This day, all of this will pass. They will grow in stature, wisdom, and spiritual maturity. The people you see today will not be the same after some months. I am going to transform them. Stay firm in prayer. This process will end. Your family will be happy again.


You are deeply loved by me, and before you were even born, I already had something great in store for your life.

Never will I abandon a defenseless child.

I've been taking care of your life in a very special way.

I am looking after every detail, every second.

I am always present.

Do not let sadness take up more space.

Fill your heart with joy and keep walking with the eyes of faith because victory is certain, and what I have prepared for you is greater than you can imagine.

I love you. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.”
 (2 timothy 3:16)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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