🔴 God Says: You're My DELIGHT

My dear child, I am the Lord.

Do you have a moment for me?

I appreciate every time you dedicate a few minutes to talk with me.

I see your journey and the intentions of your heart.

I know you have been going through difficult times, but in these moments, I want you to forget everything you are facing and listen to me.

You are strong; you have a courageous heart.

I know the path you walk is not always easy.

The burdens you carry can feel overwhelming at times, but remember, you are never alone.

My PEACE Calms You

I am opening a new door so vast that you will be astonished by the magnitude of the blessings and solutions I am bringing into your life. You will cry, but it will be tears of joy and happiness. You will be empowered by the strength that my Holy Spirit infuses into your life. Stand up, dry your tears now, step outside, and face life with the smile of a victor. Today, I have spoken to you clearly. My blessing is upon you. You must continue on your path and not halt. Open your eyes wide and pay close attention, because in the coming days, I will reveal a powerful secret to you.

I will make you experience my wonderful love like never before. I bless you from the first moments of this day because I want your heart and soul to overflow with peace and joy. I want you to feel secure, knowing that you have my love, that you are always under my care and protection. If you have been feeling sad and disheartened, I want you to feel uplifted today. Rest your head on my chest. Feel the warmth and tenderness I am pouring into you. Relax, my child. This too shall pass. Everything will be all right very soon.

This Can't Be UNDONE

Stop dwelling on your hardships and close your eyes for a moment. Feel how my spirit rejuvenates you. Sing the praises that resonate in your heart. Dive into the river of my love, and I assure you, your difficulties will soon be behind you. Everything will improve significantly. I bless you so that you encounter great and wonderful opportunities in your life. You have a mission I have entrusted to you, and that is to advance your family. Challenges will arise, tough times will come, they are part of your life and your growth.

But today, I assure you, you are enveloped in my love, and you will be prepared when those times arrive. So do not fear or despair. I'm here now to fill you with even more wisdom, love, and strength to steadfastly guide you through all these paths filled with hurdles and hardships. I care deeply about everything you feel, and I greatly value all that you aspire to in this life. I know your dreams and plans. There is so much beauty within you. You are incredibly special to me. You hold the key to love, kindness, and forgiveness.

I'm Here to SHIELD You

Through your example, many around you will be inspired to overcome their feelings of inadequacy and start to manifest the beautiful plans I have for their lives. Know that my favor is always with you. I watch over you affectionately and support you with my guiding hand. You will be a beacon of light in the darkness for many who need me. Be courageous and embrace the challenges. You will thrive in many endeavors, and I will ensure no one can hinder you. Have faith, trust in me, for I assure you, I will stand by you, supporting you to the very end.

I love you. Be empowered. Your journey is far from over. Do not get distracted by the side paths you encounter. Focus on the success and blessings that await. I continually strive to show you how much I love you. I do not want you to give up on your ambitions. Hold on a little longer and watch as your dreams unfold. When you face challenges and obstacles seem insurmountable, remember the promises I've made to you and the times I've enabled you to achieve your goals. Learn to be thankful in all circumstances.

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👑God Says: Believe in my TIMING


Do not grumble or think that I have overlooked you. Such thoughts stem only from evil influences. Do not entertain them. Feeling discouraged is normal; your body tires and your spirit has limits, but rest will come. There is a season for everything: a time to fight and a time to rest, a time for conflict and a time for peace. Faith wanes and challenges arise when you divert your gaze from your path and become distracted by your surroundings. You forget my teachings and become soaked in the messages of defeat that permeate your environment.

Many may oppose your success, but fear no one. Concentrate on what is essential. Beside you fights the greatest warrior: your captain, your Lord, the creator of all. I, your heavenly Father. Your enemies may enter through one door with threats, but they will exit through another, humiliated and defeated, never to bother you again. Your victory and success will manifest, either in your time or as a legacy for your descendants to enjoy. Your tears and pain have been sown into the fertile ground of hope.

I Am Your SHIELD My Child

Even if they bloom after you've ascended to your heavenly home, together we will watch from above, rejoicing as the promises I made to you come to fruition. Do not lose heart; press onward. Your efforts will be rewarded. I will crown you with victory. This year has been challenging, but not once have I left your side. Despite global unrest, rumors of wars, diseases, threats of scarcity, and hunger, I reassure you, my child, I love you. You and your family are safe in my hands. Pay close attention now, for these three words I am about to give you will be etched into your mind and sealed in your heart.

They will serve as the antidote to all discouragement and despair. These three words carry tremendous power and life. Are you ready? Trust in me. Your faith should be simple, like a mustard seed: no complications, no extra rules, just pure faith. Miracles happen through me, not through the strength of your faith alone. Trust in me. When you hear people predict doom, remember, while the world may not improve, your salvation is near. My angels are preparing, and my return is imminent. I am unique; there is none other like me.

Finding PEACE Amidst Storms

"In humility and reverence, I offer this prayer of thanks to you, my Heavenly Father.

May my life be a testimony of your goodness and your glory now and forever. Amen.

If the word of God for this day was a blessing, leave me your comment full of love and share this message to transform someone else's day.

Subscribe and have faith that the divine presence is with you.

May the blessings of God flood your day today and tomorrow.

Find peace in the love of Jesus Christ. Until tomorrow."

Reflect on These Words Today

“God is faithful, He will not allow you to be tempted beyond your ability, but with temptation, he will also provide the way for escape, that you may be able to endure it”
 (1st Corinthians 10:13)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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