🔴 The Reason Masturb*tion is Killing Your Spirit

My Beloved Child,

Imagine possessing a superpower so potent it could create life, fuel your dreams, and unlock the secrets of the universe.

Now imagine flushing it down the toilet daily.

Sounds dumb, right?

Well, that's exactly what you're doing every time you masturbate.

Take a deep breath.

Feel that energy coursing through you.

That's your life force, your power, and you're squandering it for what?

A fleeting moment of pleasure.

Masturbation isn't just a harmless habit; it's actively killing your spirit.



Growth happens at the edge of discomfort.

Grow up.

Ask yourself: are you truly living up to your full potential?

Are you as energized, focused, and spiritually connected as possible?

If not, what you're about to hear might just revolutionize your life.

This isn't about morality or religion.

It's about tapping into ancient wisdom that modern science is only beginning to grasp.

It's about reclaiming your power and unleashing your true potential.

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365